October 08, 2005

Cameron is looking better and better

According to Guido Fawkes
Cameron has in the past hinted that he sees some merit in decriminalising weed and has as good as admitted he smoked some wacky 'baccy at university.
he's got my vote then! Bugger, come to think of it I don't get one, oh well. He'll get mine next general election if he's the Tory leader. Apparently Guido also says that
Friends of Doc Fox have been whispering out of the corner of their mouths in the smoke-filled bars of Blackpool about Cameron's flirtation with cannabis
and whispering that this is bad apparently, rather than if he can point them to the local dealer.
Reactionaries should know that that this would in fact make him normal in modern Britain.
which makes cannabis' smoking an uncrime that should be repealed since it's current legal state is no longer in sync with social taboo. If he was just into a flat tax as well ...


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